How to add post-purchase message for your event

Do you want a simple yet effective way to engage with your attendees after they've made a purchase? Adding a post-purchase message can serve various purposes - from sharing general event information to providing instructions or simply expressing gratitude for their purchase.

Setting up your post-purchase message

  1. From the Events tab, select Manage next to the event where you want to set up a post-purchase message. 
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Enable Post-Purchase Message.
  4. Enter a message of your choice in the text box. 
  5. Choose where to display your message by checking the boxes: 
  • Confirmation Email: The message will be sent to attendees through a confirmation email. It's a great way to keep the interaction going even after they've left the website.
  • Confirmation Page: This is the page attendees see immediately after completing their purchase. Your message here can serve as a pleasant surprise and an additional source of information.
  • Event Reminder Email: For a gentle reminder before the event, you can include your post-purchase message in event reminder emails. It helps keep your attendees excited and well-informed.
  1. Click Save

How the post-purchase message looks

Here are a few examples of how the post-purchase message looks in each of these contexts:

Confirmation Email

Confirmation Page

Event Reminder Email