How can I add non-ticketed donations?

With TicketLeap, you can let ticket buyers make extra donations that don’t affect your event’s inventory or sales numbers. This is different from Donation Ticket Types, which are actual tickets to the event. Non-ticketed donations are just a way for ticket buyers to support your event.


  • Ticket buyers can only make donations on orders that already include a paid ticket
  • Donations are included with the event payment and are not processed separately
  • You are responsible for reporting donations appropriately based on advice from your finance team. 


No ticketing fees are associated with non-ticketed donations; however, the donation amount will be added to the order total based on the Credit Card fee owed.

If you have added sales tax, the donation will not be calculated in the sales tax calculations.

How to Enable Non-Ticketed Donations

  1. Click the Edit pencil to open the event settings page
  2. Navigate to the event's Advanced Settings
  3. Look for the Accept Donations toggle and switch it on 
  4. Enter the Donation Name
    1. The name entered for this field will be used as the reference for receiving the donation during checkout. 
  5.  Click Save

Non-ticketed donations don’t have separate ticketing fees, but the donation amount will be added to the order total, which affects the Credit Card fee calculation.


Non-Ticketed Donations in Sales Report

The donation amount will be itemized separately in the sales report and payment summary but included in the overall proceeds calculations.