How do I process a ticket exchange?

Table of Contents

Ticket Buyer

If you are a ticket buyer looking for a refund or exchange, you must contact the event organiser directly to request a refund or exchange: I have a question about the event I'm going to. How do I get in touch? 

Event Organiser

If you are an event organiser, follow the steps below to process an exchange for one of your attendees.

  1. Log in to your TicketLeap account
  2. From the events dashboard, navigate to the event where the attendee purchased/reserved their ticket, click Reports (graph icon), and select Order Reports.
  3. Use the search box to find attendees by Name, Order ID's or email address and click the Order ID next to their name.

  4. In the Order pop-up window, click Exchange.
  1. Click the Upcoming events to exchange to dropdown menu. When you click on the event, all the upcoming dates for the event will appear. Select the date you'd like to exchange the ticket(s).

  2. For orders with multiple tickets, select individually which ones to exchange or you can Select All.

  3. The new event you're exchanging the tickets for may have multiple ticket types. In the Exchange selected tickets to: drop-down menu, select the ticket type you wish to exchange to. 

    Remember that with an exchange, there will be no further exchange of funds no matter the ticket type selected. For example, if the exchange is for a lower-priced ticket, the attendee will not be refunded any money. And if the ticket price is higher, they will not be charged.


  4. By default, sending automated email notification to ticket buyer is enabled, click the toggle to disable it.  Click Exchange to process the exchange.